Devnet, Testnet or Mainnet Deployment?
6 min readMay 22, 2024

Devnet Basics

In the realm of blockchain development alongside mainnets and testnets, lies another environment — the development network or commonly called devnet. Devnets serve as playgrounds for developers to experiment with new ideas, features and upgrades before deploying them on testnets or mainnets.

Similar to testnets, devnets provide a controlled environment for testing and refining blockchain applications. However, devnets are specifically tailored for developers to explore cutting-edge concepts and prototypes. Often integrating bleeding-edge technologies and allowing the developers to “go wild” and experiment with new features. Devnets enable developers to push the boundaries of blockchain innovation without constraints. Offering a space for exploring unconventional ideas, refining complex algorithms and experimenting with emerging consensus mechanisms or cryptographic techniques.

Transitioning from devnet to testnet or mainnet involves thorough testing, auditing and refinement of the project. Developers must ensure that their code is robust, secure, and ready for real-world usage before deploying it on live networks.

When & Why to Use Devnet?

  • Freedom to Innovate: Devnets encourage creativity and innovation by providing developers with the freedom to explore new concepts without the risk of impacting live networks.
  • Experimental Features: These environments often incorporate experimental features or protocols that may not be ready for deployment on testnets or mainnets.
  • Fast Iteration: Devnets facilitate rapid iteration cycles, allowing developers to quickly test and iterate on their ideas before moving to more stable testing environments.
  • Community Collaboration: Devnets foster collaboration within the developer community, encouraging knowledge sharing and collective problem-solving.
  • Prototyping and Experimentation: Devnets are ideal for prototyping new concepts and experimenting with novel ideas in a safe and controlled environment.
  • Advanced Research: Researchers and academics often use devnets to conduct advanced research in blockchain technology, exploring theoretical concepts and pushing the boundaries of innovation.
  • Early Adoption of Emerging Technologies: Devnets allow developers to stay ahead of the curve by adopting emerging technologies and protocols before they become mainstream.

The disadvantages of devnets fall into the same category as testnets. However, using devnet is often explicit for experimentation whereas using testnet is commonly the stage preluding mainnet deployment. Hence devnets play a crucial role in fostering innovation and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. By providing developers with a sandbox for experimentation and exploration, devnets contribute to the continuous evolution of blockchain technology and the broader ecosystem.

Testnet Basics

For developers, testnets serve as a safe haven for experimentation, testing and debugging of apps or smart contracts before their deployment on the mainnet. This simulated environment allows developers to identify and rectify any potential issues without risking real-world assets or transactions. Testnets are instrumental in the prototyping phase, enabling companies and developers to swiftly iterate on their ideas without incurring real-world costs or risks. Testnets also become a platform for feedback and collaboration and the development teams foster communities and networking.

Transitioning from testnet to mainnet involves migrating the project’s code, tokens and infrastructure from the testing environment to the live network. This transition signifies readiness for real-world usage and requires rigorous testing, auditing and token migration processes. Another important aspect is effective communication and awareness during this transition phase, which is crucial to inform the community and stakeholders about the mainnet launch and token swap process.

Despite their numerous benefits, testnets also pose some disadvantages. They may not accurately replicate real-world conditions, such as network congestion, transaction fees and security risks present on the mainnet. Furthermore, testnets may lack the same level of support or infrastructure as mainnets, resulting in occasional downtime or limitations.

When & Why to Use Testnet?

  • Development and Testing: Testnets are ideal for developers who want to experiment, test and debug their applications or smart contracts in a simulated environment before deploying them on the mainnet.
  • Prototyping: Companies or developers can use testnets to quickly prototype and iterate on their ideas without incurring real-world costs or risks.
  • Community Engagement: Testnets can also be used to engage with the community, gather feedback and foster collaboration before launching on the mainnet.
  • Cost-effective: Testnet transactions typically don’t involve real cryptocurrency, so developers can test their applications without spending real money.
  • Isolated Environment: Testnets provide a sandboxed environment where developers can experiment without impacting the stability or security of the mainnet.
  • Faster Iteration: Since testnets are less congested than mainnets, transactions confirm faster resulting in faster development and testing cycles.


  • Lack of Real-World Conditions: Testnets may not accurately reflect the conditions and challenges of the mainnet, such as network congestion, transaction fees and security risks.
  • Limited Support: Testnets may not have the same level of support or infrastructure as mainnets, leading to occasional downtime or inconsistencies.
  • Security Risks: While testnets aim to replicate the mainnet environment, they may not offer the same level of security, making it important for developers to exercise caution when deploying to production.

In conclusion, testnets play a vital role in the blockchain development lifecycle, offering a cost-effective, isolated and efficient environment for experimentation, prototyping and community engagement. While they may not perfectly replicate the mainnet, their benefits far outweigh their drawbacks, making them indispensable tools for blockchain developers and enthusiasts.

Mainnet Basics

Mainnets are the backbone of blockchain networks with vital components such as blockchain protocol, native cryptocurrency, consensus mechanisms, miners/validators, decentralized nodes, smart contracts, wallets, exchanges and governance mechanisms. It’s where the real action happens. Any updates or modifications on the mainnet undergo thorough testing and verification — as they directly impact real users and real funds.

Mainnets provide reliability and security in an environment for running DApps, executing smart contracts and processing transactions. Every modification undergoes strict scrutiny to maintain network integrity and protect user assets.

When & Why to Use Mainnet?

  • Production Release: Mainnet deployment is suitable when the application or smart contract is ready for real-world use.
  • Real-World Utility: Deploying on the mainnet allows applications to fulfill their intended purpose, whether it’s facilitating financial transactions, decentralized governance or other functionalities involving real value.
  • Market Access: Mainnet deployment provides access to a broader market of users and customers who transact on the blockchain.
  • Community Recognition: Mainnet deployment signals to the community and stakeholders that the project has reached a significant milestone and is ready for real-world adoption.
  • Transactions Involving Real Value: Companies or organizations deploy on the mainnet when they want to transact with real cryptocurrency or assets.
  • Established Projects: For established projects or applications, deploying on the mainnet provides credibility and trust to users and investors.


  • Higher Costs: Deploying on the mainnet involves transaction fees and potentially higher development costs due to the need for thorough testing and security measures.
  • Irreversibility: Transactions on the mainnet are irreversible, so any bugs or vulnerabilities can result in real financial losses or reputational damage.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Deploying on the mainnet may require compliance with regulatory requirements, depending on the nature of the application or project, adding complexity and legal considerations.

For both users and developers, the mainnet holds significant importance. Users rely on the mainnet for conducting real transactions securely, managing assets and engaging with DApps or smart contracts. On the other hand, developers utilize the mainnet as a robust platform for testing and deploying innovations. Through the mainnet, developers can showcase the utility of their creations and contribute to the growth of the broader blockchain ecosystem.


In essence, the synergy between testnet, mainnet and devnet encapsulates the nature of blockchain development, where experimentation, deployment and innovation converge to shape the future. Testnets for experimentation, mainnets for real-world deployment and devnets for innovation — developers can drive meaningful progress and growth in the broader blockchain ecosystem.

Testnet environments serve as invaluable rehearsal stages, providing developers with a risk-free environment to experiment, iterate and refine their DApps and smart contracts. In a controlled environment that mirrors the mainnet, testnets enable developers to identify and rectify bugs, vulnerabilities and scalability issues before deploying their projects to real-world users. Moreover, testnets foster community engagement and collaboration, allowing developers to gather feedback and insights. This risk-free space for innovation is instrumental in reducing the costs and risks associated with early-stage development, ultimately accelerating the pace of blockchain innovation.

Deploying on the mainnet signifies readiness for real-world usage, offering developers access to a broad market of users and customers eager to engage with blockchain-based solutions. Despite the higher costs and regulatory considerations involved in mainnet deployment, the benefits of real-world utility, market access and community recognition outweigh the challenges.

Devnet, as the experimental sandbox of blockchain development, empowers developers to push the boundaries of innovation and explore cutting-edge concepts and technologies. With the freedom to experiment with new features, protocols and upgrades — developers can stay ahead of the curve and drive the continuous evolution of blockchain ecosystems.


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